When do you need Air Testing services?

You need air testing services if you occupy a space and have workers or if you manage a building where people may be affected by poor air quality. You have a duty of care for all your workers that occupy your workspace. You may need air testing services if your site is causing off-site pollution impacts or your development might be affected by poor air quality.
Air quality testing services are required both indoors and outdoors. Indoor air testing services are required for general indoor air quality, in response to a complaint, or as part of occupational hygiene services for specific industries and workers. Outdoor air testing is required as part of environmental compliance issues. Indoor testing is related to Work Health and Safety Regulations while outdoor air testing is related to Environmental Regulations.
Indoor Air Quality routine testing
Indoor Air Quality Testing in response to a reported health complaint
Occupational hygiene testing for specific contaminant(s)
Occupational Hygiene testing for specific work type
Outdoor air testing for pollution generating activities
Outdoor air testing for developments that may be impacted by poor air quality
The air quality in Sydney is measured by the Air Quality Categories by the NSW government and is classified as Good, Fair, Poor, Very Poor, and Extremely Poor. There are a number of sites throughout Greater Sydney that are used to measure the ambient air quality and these give a snapshot of the air quality of the Greater Sydney Region. There are a few parameters that are used to classify the air quality into various categories and these include particulate matter, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide. The air quality outside can affect the indoor air quality as well since outside air infiltrates indoors and when air conditioning systems are running ineffectively this exacerbates the problem.
People indoors can have a number of complaints from mild to severe as a result of poor indoor air quality and can develop health complications as a result. It is important for business owners and managers to regularly organize testing of the indoor air quality and to implement any recommendations for improvement before a complaint or health concern arises.
There are many instances where business owners and managers have not been proactive and have to respond to a complaint by staff or a health concern. Indoor air testing can also be undertaken at this stage. It is best to be proactive and avoid complaints and have a record of indoor air testing results over time to avoid staff health complications and legal issues. ENVIRO CORP offers a routine testing service for you which is scheduled on a regular basis. Professional air quality testing is essential.
At ENVIRO CORP we not only are experts in conducting both indoor and outdoor air testing in accordance with the most appropriate methods, we also ensure that each project is conducted in accordance to the relevant legislative requirements, including Regulations, Australian Standards and Codes of Practice. This is important, so your report holds up in a court of law if you need it to. If you want air testing services by experienced air quality environmental consultants contact ENVIRO CORP for an obligation free proposal. If you would like assistance with your project and would like to discuss further please contact us today on 1300 980 612.