Air Testing at Construction Sites

Construction sites are a source of air quality emissions where air quality testing is required by regulating authorities. The sources of particulate air quality emissions include:
- demolition,
- sanding,
- grinding,
- welding,
- waste transfer and storage,
- onsite traffic movements,
- diesel exhaust emissions,
- earthmoving and excavation,
- unpaved access roads and the clearing of access roads,
- masonry activities,
- concrete drilling or cutting,
- crushing or screening aggregate materials,
- wind erosion from stockpiled material,
- sanding and grit blasting,
- surface finishing.
The source of odours from construction activities are:
- smoke,
- surface finishing,
- use of resins,
- adhesives,
- caulking compounds,
- sealants,
- silicones,
- odours from grinding,
- cutting and sanding operations.
Most construction sites are regulated by the local government and the environmental management and resolution of air pollution-based nuisance or off-site impacts are the responsibility of the site owner and operator. ENVIRO CORP air quality consultants can assist site owners and operators undertake air quality testing, air quality management and air quality assessment to ensure they comply with the required legislative requirements at the planning stage and compliance process during the construction phase.
ENVIRO CORP can undertake airborne particulate monitoring at your construction site by setting up specialist test equipment and monitor the air quality for the duration of the project. ENVIRO CORP can also put together an Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP) to assist construction companies in implementing procedures that minimise the air pollution they emit. Enviro Corp air quality consultants can oversee the implementation of the Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP) and can assist construction workers to implement any necessary procedures to reduce their air quality impacts.
The most common pollutants monitored on construction sites are:
- Dust
- Motor vehicle emissions
- Smoke
These pollutants have the potential for harmful off-site impacts. This is why, at Enviro Corp, we are dedicated to ensuring these off-site impacts are properly managed.
Enviro Corp has specialist air quality consultants and environmental consultants that can assist you meet your legislative requirements. Call an ENVIRO CORP air quality consultant today to organise air quality testing, air quality management plan and environmental testing at your construction site.